Contamination risk

Risk of cross-contamination: a more widespread reality than you think

The dirt is not the same everywhere; there are environments where the bacterial load is a crucial issue: we refer to the contexts related to health, from hospitals to specialist Intensive Care Units, from local clinics to leisure facilities and changing rooms, and also kitchens and food industries.

In all these delicate environments, the risk of cross-contamination is a reality that must be faced with effective cleaning techniques and advanced systems to reduce risk, and ensuring cross-contamination control.

Practical advice on how to reduce the risk of cross-contamination

The basic principle to keep in mind is that dirt collected in one area must never come into contact with other areas.

The hands of the operator are the main vehicle of contamination, it is therefore essential to avoid contact of the hands with the dirt. The use of gloves helps greatly, provided they are washed and changed regularly. The touch-free systems are ideal for combating contamination because they allow the disposal of dirty cloths and mops without touching them.

Another basic rule is to use a clean cloth for each area to be cleaned. The systems that make this good practice possible are pre-soaking, on-demand soaking and disposable systems.

In order to effectively distinguish the cloths to be used in the different areas it is advisable to rely on the colour-coded system: an effective system whose basic principle is that each colour corresponds to a specific area or a certain degree of risk.